(510) 374-2529
Learning in various enviornments
Our school is a home for two classes that spend a lot of time collaborating with one another to give students of all ages a chance to socialize and make new friends. The butterfly class is taught in a small group setting when preparing for kindergarten with one main Teacher giving instruction. Both programs are play based and Allow the child to grow healthily into the person they were born to be.
Children wishing to enroll in the preschool program must be at least 16 months of age, walking by themselves and working on potty training or will be soon. Any child older than 6 may not attend and must be directed to kindergarten.
Requirement for Butterfly Class: Fully potty trained

Ages 16m - 3yrs
Focused on the full development of the child including but not limited to; development of motor/fine skills, language development, learning self help skills and potty training. Toddlers are learning to communicate their needs and begin learning self help skills (independence) early on. Children are encouraged to try new things every day with the popper support when needed. This program is play focused and allows children to explore materials and activities freely.

Ages 3yrs - 5yrs
Similar to the Caterpillar program, we also focus on the development of the whole child however this class has a huge focus on preparing for kindergarten which means we learn our colors, shapes, letters and how to write our name. Students complete worksheets in their Pre-K books and complete other activities with letter recognition, Shape recognition and ect. Children are encouraged to try new things every day and spend lots of time outdoors.