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Image by Gabe Pierce


Little Bloom Academy does not follow one specific curriculum and we always keep our students as our number one priority. We believe all children are capable and able to do things for themselves within reason. 

We believe that each child is a unique individual and that all children have the ability to learn. Our preschool programs provide inclusive settings that recognize children's varied abilities, interests, needs, and learning styles. We believe children learn best through meaningful play without rules. 

Our philosophy of Little Bloom Academy combines the very best of every preschool philosophy and combines it all together in order for students to get the best of all worlds. 

We recognize that parents are the child's first teachers. Children learn best when parents are involved in their educational program. The primary bridge between home and school is the involvement of family and community.

The statement and beliefs in this philosophy reflect the position of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Little Blooms staff members share a common philosophy that children learn best when they can actively interact with their environment. We share a common commitment to helping each child develop fully – physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and cognitively. Each child is valued as a unique individual.


Spanish Immersion

Spanish Immersion Preschool is an early education environment where Spanish is taught naturally through daily activities. Teachers are fluent and native speakers who use the language 100% throughout the day. This communication style is included during instruction, outdoor play and meal times.

We speak to our students in both English and Spanish throughout the day with the hopes to strengthen both languages.


Play Based

Play-based schools believe that children learn best through play. This builds confidence, creativity and a love for school while kids learn in an age-appropriate way. Children are given the autonomy to choose activities based on their current interests.

We allow students to discover new things and focus on the basics of learning, being intrigued. 

Non bias Curriculum

We follow the guidelines provided by NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) and plan our curriculum while following the four core goals of anti bias. Those being; Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Activism. We teach children to embrace their differences and celebrate their similarities.

In our classroom we teach empathy and understanding by helping children understand their feelings. We understand our differences make us unique and they should be embraced!

Reggio Emilia

Under the Reggio Emilia approach, a project-based curriculum is followed based on students’ interests. Say students show interest in dinosaurs, then the teacher might begin a project inspired by the prehistoric era, read dinosaur books, organize digging-for-bones activities and lead art activities featuring dinosaurs. In a couple of weeks or months, when the kids show interest in something else, the curriculum changes as such.

Each month our classroom theme changes and students actively help teacher chose future themes.


The Montessori approach is based on the concept that “play is the child’s work.” While Montessori preschools focus on academics, the goal is to let learning happen naturally at the child’s own pace and to foster independence by allowing children to make personal choices. Montessori schools also teach kids skills that enhance self-sufficiency. 

We believe in the importance of self help skills and academics.


Waldorf schools provide a nurturing environment that feels more like a home than a school. The philosophy focuses on creativity and the arts while emphasizing cooperation. Arts and crafts and make-believe play are strongly encouraged, as well as practical activities such as cooking and gardening. 

We provide a home like environment for our students that is both inviting and nurturing. 

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